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Roulette trackers home page

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Take your roulette game to the next level with our premium tools. Track spins, analyze patterns, and improve your strategy.

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Tools on this site are not guaranteed to make you win, Gamble responsibly and only bet what you can afford to lose, These are observations rather than strategies.


The Triggers tool will alert when certain events happen such as 8 numbers in a row without a repeat number, or a certain amount of losses on a given group of numbers. It tracks things such as neighboring numbers and frequency counts.

Gaps between repeats tracker

This program displays the repeat numbers and gaps between them.

Streets tracker

A simple great tool to help you track streets better.

The edge

Mobile only ! you will get redirected back here from desktop screens

The Edge tool keeps track of the misses in a row for groups starting from 1 and going to 36.

Double-Digit Single-Digit Chop Detector

A chop from Low to High on roulette, such as H, L, H, L, H, L, H, L, H, L, is a classic example of a 50/50 scenario. The odds of the next spin being either High or Low remain the same, no matter the streak. This streak pattern (chop) will eventually end—but the mystery lies in not knowing when.

Progression Calculator

This will help calculate your progressions

Straight Wait

The Straight Wait system plays on the idea that eventually all the numbers will come up. The idea is that we track the numbers until the last x amount of numbers are left. We don't immediately play those numbers though, instead we wait for a certain amount of spins before playing a progression on the group.

For or Against

The For or Against tool tracks the last 24 numbers that came up (the "For" side) and calculates the odds that the next number will be one of the previous 24 numbers (the "For" side).

Distance Predictor

The Distance Predictor calculates the distance clockwise on the wheel from the number the dealer releases the ball at. It will then take the most frequence distance ranges and attempt to predict which segement of the wheel the ball will land in.

Outside Pattern

The Outside Pattern will bet a progression on a pattern such as Black, Red, Red, High for outside bets.

Group Hit

The Group Hit tool shows how many spins it takes for various groups of numbers to hit.


The Repeats tool shows how many times a number repeated along with how many time it repeated that many times. It also shows the gap between repeats.

Law of the Third

The Law of the Third basically shows that out of 37 spins about 24 numbers will come up, or about 1/3 will not come up. This tool tracks the last 37 numbers and shows which numbers did not hit, which numbers hit once, and which numbers repeated. It will be up to the player to figure out how to take advantage of that.


The Raindrop tool give a visual display of the gaps on the wheel between the numbers that have come up so the player can take advantage and play the gaps. Also available is a single zero version

Wheel Bias

The Wheel Bias tool will give frequency, losses in a row, and wins in a row for every bet location, even with user defined number groups.

Progression Tester

The Progression Tester will test progressions on one or more outside bets. You can also create your own group of numbers to test progressions on using the Group Progression tester.

Keno Calculator

Not roulette but a keno calculator -- Check the Keno Analyzer tool.

Spread Chart

The Spread Chart generates a chart that can be printed out to show all the neighbors for each number.

Hot and Cold

The Hot and Cold tool shows which section of the wheel is the hottest and which section of the wheel is the coldest.

Gap Test

The Gap Test is actually two tools. The first tool tracks, for example red, and shows the longest gap between hitting red. The second tool is a 'Magic Numbers' tool. Lets say you want to play a group of 5 numbers. The magic numbers tool looks back through the numbers and gives you the 5 numbers that will result in the lowest gap between hitting those numbers again.


This tool will display the numbers that came up before and after a set number.

Minimum bet Calculator

This tool will calculate the profit based on hitting only one spot on the last spin.

Roulette RNG

A simple roulette RNG which displays single numbers or 50-1000 at a time, something to help understand a larger history of numbers -- It was developed by an Ai chatGPT

The magic 4

This tool looks at patterns forming like red,black,black,red in blocks of four then we bet on it ending which would be black, the tool tells you which to bet on, it's upto you to martingale accordingly

Repeats tool

This tool bets unique numbers to try to hit a repeat number.

Single digit number tester

This tool works on the single digit strat and shows how many spins it takes to see 3 single digits in a row then it goes to double digits, after 2000 spins per 'spin again' button. Meaning when we see a single digit number we attack the double digits with confidence

Which 1/1 is missing ?

After 10 spins there should be one of every type of 1/1 bet If one is missing this tool will tell you which one It's upto the player to use these results as they choose.

Number combos

This tool will alert you when 2 numbers come in together in the history as combos.

Roulette Winnings Simulator

A cool winnings simulator with graphs to show how bets work in the long run

Roulette bingo

A game you can play with friends or online on youtube for fun or real money !

Hi Lo cards

Not roulette but fun

Streaks tester

How long do streaks last? And how long does it take for them to come in ??

Single digit number test

Most of the time when a single digit number lands the next spin likes to go to a double digit number, this is a tool to test this strategy.

Profit calculator

This Amazing tool helps you calculate the profit you can make from roulette

Coin flipper

A tool for those that understand 1/1 bets on roulette and see that flipping a coin is the same .. -- It was developed by an Ai chatGPT

Dozens tester rng

This tool simply tests dozens and how many times they come in or not -- It was developed by an Ai chatGPT

Roulette Wheel

A wheel and history for those that play at home with a table but no wheel

History generator

A tool for those with their own roulette home table to collect the history of numbers easy Now with hot n cold numbers ! -- It was developed by an Ai chatGPT

100/1 roulette

Just for fun this tool is a 100/1 roulette table with 100 numbers !!

Expected value

A tool that shows you your profits on placed bets

Roulette Simulation follow the opposite

This tool simulates 1,000 spins of a European roulette wheel. You can highlight specific types of numbers or restart the simulation.
How many black odds in a row until we hit a red even ??

Left right double streets

This tool is based on betting on the left side of the double streets and the right side, being the 1st double street is 1,2,3,4,5,6
1,2,3 is the left side and 4,5,6 is the right side

Left right dozens

This tool is based on betting on the left side of the dozens and the right side, being the 1st left dozen is 1,2,3,4,5,6
and the right is 7,8,9,10,11,12

Blackjack dealer bust simulator

On average a BJ dealer busts round 6 times in every 20 hands this will help undertstand the best
time to stick and wait for the dealer to bust so you can win.

Roulette Complete Bet Streak Tester

Test streaks of all bets, from single numbers to dozens!

Dozen bounce tester tool

The dozens don't like to bounce from one to another for too long, unlike a red black chop .. This tool will see how far the progression goes

Laws of averages tester

Looks at averages of the 1/1 bets for testing stuff

ETG RNG tester

Understanding the Difference: Math.random() vs Crypto.getRandomValues()

Roulette Repeaters sim

This tool highlights repeaters (when a number lands twice in a row) and shows the gap between repeat occurrences and calculates the average gap inbetween giving us a better understanding of how often repeaters happen.

1/1 chop tester

This tool will test 1/1 chops and see how far the progression goes over X amount of spins

Bouncy Quarter Tester Tool

The quarters don't like to bounce from one to another for too long, unlike a red black chop This tool will see how far the progression goes, it works like the bouncy dozens tool here

1/1 Roulette Sequence Tracker

Detect repetitive 1/1 bet sequences

Table profit tool

This tools shows the profit for each bet placed in the current spin, and shows summary of board coverage %, winning bets %, and losing bets %